(picture from http://iversonforest.com/)
I am excited to begin this career because I aim to educate people on the forest industry. It is a common misconception that forestry is an evil industry that wishes to destroy our forests. In reality, foresters are more concerned about the environment than people believe. This is our career, if there are no forests then we do not have a job. Communication is key for this career objective. I need to learn how to apply my knowledge and inform/correct the misconception of the forestry industry today. It is vital that I learn to communicate my message clearly so that society can begin to form a new understanding of forestry. For an article written about public perception of the forestry industry click here
I agree with Meaghan in that communication is an essential tool for every individual in any industry to posses. Although we are in different fields of work and have had different experiences we have developed a need for the skill of communication. While working at the pulp mill I had to deal with many forms of communication and confrontation and it is important to know how to deal with everything that comes at you in a professional manner. Management at the pulp mill relied on me to inform them of potential situations and ideas on how to improve our process and it was very important that I was able to clearly explain my thoughts and ideas. I am very excited to learn new methods through this ALES 204 course and I hope I will be able to integrate social media into my future career.
I have no knowledge on anything about the forestry industry, but reading about what you've chosen as a career goals was really intriguing. I agree that communication is important in your field of work. In fact, communication is important in all fields of work. It's neat to see that our ALES 204 class has taught us so much on communication methods, all of which I'm sure you (as well as the rest of us) will be able to use in the future. As exemplified by our Facebook page that we created with our resume, we definitely have the skills to integrate social media into our future careers!