Without the internet, people are lost, their computers crash and it is the end of the world. No one thinks that they could go to the local library and borrow a book that has the same information or if they do think that then it is to much of a hassle. With employers seeking out potential employees internet footprint employees are creating online resumes to positively influence the employer, a subject my fellow classmate has tackled.
I do agree that computers and the internet make life so much easier but we should not rely on these man-made-machines to do everything for us. Now there are cars that park themselves, isn't that a little much? If you don't know how to park your own car then maybe you shouldn't have gotten your drivers licence. I believe that computers should be used to aid our lives but not relied on so heavily that if your computer crashes then you might as well go home for the day.
I don't know anyone nowadays without a cell phone, most of which are smart phones. Although I love the idea of my iPhone, I feel that I am being sucked into it. It is wrong when people are hanging out with friends and they are to deep into their phone to know what the conversation is about or that they drop everything to answer their phones. I believe that the person that I am with has taken the time to come and see me and I do not need to drop everything just because my phone goes off. I know every person has had that gut wrenching feeling when they forget their phones at home and I feel that society needs to work on the reliance we have created for our for them. Cellphones should be used as an aid in our lives but not take them over completely.
Image is from: http://cache0.bigcartel.com/product_images/37896500/Recyclingsitecomputer002.jpg.accessed Feb.29/2012.