Without the internet, people are lost, their computers crash and it is the end of the world. No one thinks that they could go to the local library and borrow a book that has the same information or if they do think that then it is to much of a hassle. With employers seeking out potential employees internet footprint employees are creating online resumes to positively influence the employer, a subject my fellow classmate has tackled.
I do agree that computers and the internet make life so much easier but we should not rely on these man-made-machines to do everything for us. Now there are cars that park themselves, isn't that a little much? If you don't know how to park your own car then maybe you shouldn't have gotten your drivers licence. I believe that computers should be used to aid our lives but not relied on so heavily that if your computer crashes then you might as well go home for the day.
I don't know anyone nowadays without a cell phone, most of which are smart phones. Although I love the idea of my iPhone, I feel that I am being sucked into it. It is wrong when people are hanging out with friends and they are to deep into their phone to know what the conversation is about or that they drop everything to answer their phones. I believe that the person that I am with has taken the time to come and see me and I do not need to drop everything just because my phone goes off. I know every person has had that gut wrenching feeling when they forget their phones at home and I feel that society needs to work on the reliance we have created for our for them. Cellphones should be used as an aid in our lives but not take them over completely.
Image is from: http://cache0.bigcartel.com/product_images/37896500/Recyclingsitecomputer002.jpg.accessed Feb.29/2012.
"I feel that society has placed to much emphases on these gadgets that we hold so close to our hearts."
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy this statement because you are speaking about individuals and society as a whole. You are also implying that there is a real personal connection between society and their gadgets. I like this simply because I understand. I understand how ridiculous it is that the world stops turning when we lose our phone, lose wi-fi, or our smart phone lags for a half second. Is it better that we have the ability to access Facebook, Twitter, email, phone, SMS, maps, internet whenever we want as fast as possible? I think it's all about our desire to be more effective and productive. But I think our curiosity about what others are doing and the accessibility of games detract from the productivity that these smart phones were created to improve.
I really enjoyed this blog post because I agree with most of the things you said. I believe there was a certain point in time where technology switched from being an efficient tool to a necessary everyday reliance. I think as a society we're missing out on so much. Instead of hanging out with friends, we're texting. Instead of going to a movie with friends, we're watching on our laptops. I like what you said about the cars that park themselves. It's a perfect example of how technology has changed from an aid to something we rely on. This was a very interesting blog post and I can't wait to read more from you.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you and the above posters! My number one pet peeve is when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and they are playing on their Iphone. I am one of the few who still has a flip phone and I love the feeling of not being attached to it like many Iphone users are to their phones. I use my phone for what it was intended for and don't waste my time playing games or surfing the web on it. I can definitely see the benefits of having an Iphone, as it would be very handy to be able to check email and whatnot. It's scary too think about the future and the role technology is going to continue taking in our lives!
ReplyDeleteAlana Soderberg
I agree with pretty much everything you have said Sara and with the above comments made. I know that I myself am so attached to my iPhone. I rely on it way to much to connect with other people and use it constantly for gaming and checking up on Facebook. As much as it distracts me, I definitely do feel like I benefit from having this phone, as it allows me to stay connected with school (I have my school email to 'push' the emails sent to me immediately so I can keep up with it) and access needed information immediately (and when I am lost in the city, this helps so much). As much as I know I love my phone, when I am with someone it is very annoying when they become distracted by their own phone. I agree that technology has become too much of a reliance, that we need it all the time or else our lives will shut down. Our society has used technology to make our lives easier but cars that park themselves, really? I definitely agree with you on that point. I think we all need to take a note from our grandparents and rely a little bit, or a lot, less on technology.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with what you are saying in this blog. I believe people have become too dependant on their phones and computers, I'm guily of it myself. When my phone dies or I think I have lost it, I feel myself start to panic, it's pathetic. There's nothing that bother's me more than when I am with someone and they are paying more attention to their phone then our conversation. I fear that this rapid development of social media is causing a very rapid decline in the social skills of our society. I wish that more people would turn of the computer, T.V., cell phone, or whatever device their eyes are glued to and enjoy the real world around them.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you Sara for voicing what most of us know but are to afraid to admit to. I know that I personally have been guilty of being with a group of friends and been texting on my phone the entire time instead of communicating with the people around me. I agree that society as a whole has become way, way too dependent on technology to the point that it is almost essential in everything we do. Makes you wonder what would happen if we were suddenly lose it...